Visionary painter



                             Isabelle de Kervalec's lives for love and beauty. 
Since her first childhood she draws and creates clothes. Her dream : to become a stylist in "haute couture" from which she adores the "folies". In that purpose she will follow for a while the school the most appropriated : // L'Ecole de la Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture Parisienne //. 
But very soon the
photographers will rush above her, capt her and take her off the elected road. She becomes a "TOP" (in the actual language !). 
So she appears on magazines, advertizings, Publicity, fashion shows, and so on... But all this does not suit her a lot !
Movie's Industry makes her golden propositions (that sne refuses). However she does not miss the extraordinary acquaintances she makes therefore.
She prefers her liberty and escapes the sunlights to recover her solitary's loneliness. And so, she takes refuge in painting that allows her to translate her soul's, heart's and inside's waves, and to live that in a transcendance nowhere else realised.
These particulary vibrations are converted in suffering. She feels in direct communication with human wounds, that she restless paints, she invents all nationalities characters, leading her proper fight against Racism.
Passionated, she runs away from readiness. Her choices go always to the most difficult. Night and day she works unrestlessness; so to rise her aims.
When an expert tells her that her technic is of great quality, she is revolved to tears. She paints with superposed leaves, and the "glacis" gives her works the relieve, deepness and light wanted, a brightness impossible to get with deep leaves of paint.
She says, laughing of herself : // The intense emotions I feel seeem the ones of an inventor. This technic is mine since I discovered it alone ! //.
But an aesthete she is, an aesthete she remains. Beauty is always present, rigorism too. To this is added a "zest" of odd. She creates everywhere and in all circonstances. But once again the world gets her and puts her against her will under the sunlights. And there we go ! The "vernissages", lights, mondanities. Would they be the celest Wills ?


              This "site" is an act of love and faith, a confession, an open book. 
// My pictures are my church, my refuge in my moments of great suffering, my wouds of soul and heart are indelebile and never sear. Family is sacred. My successes have been obtained by an infernal fight all along a life of rigour. SAINT-EXUPERY's phrase : "it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye" was always my "devise", ever before I met with it. Respect and love for my neighbour are my leys. I look always in the other ones after what I call the great beauty and spirit. Idealist until death ; crualty and violence are for me springs of unbeareble suffering. I adore animals, their artless moves me and enchants me. Their fidelity is splendid. I love magic creatures which fascinate me. My purpose would be to bring love, beauty, threasures of marvelousness ! A perfectionist, I prefer to remain alone in my "ivory tower", if I do not feel able to transcend poetry. I thank every day Heaven which drives me and brings me the magic necessary to my art. The Surnaturals forces drive me when my "painting machine" starts ! Everything works without my consentement. Yes, it's magic ! 
I invented for me a name (SYLPHIDIAS) that resumes the two worlds which live into me. (SYLPHIDE : feminity, sensibility, PHYDIAS : strongness, power.) Vivified by these two poles, my rythm follows this exalting stream which forces me to transcendance and sometimes allowed me to put down mountains so to realise the impossible, and this, in a lot of ways. Always the sky and the Earth, always the two worlds !


                     The prodigious luxury of Sky fascinates me. Ils fastuous lightness, the ceremony of night in in its gemm's gown is romantic and beautyful in an incomparable manner. What a great show ! Nature offers us from all parts its creations, its magnificent art ! Poet's song founds in it its aliment, and this from all times to ever. Artists are very beloved on this planet ! Fire-works of symbols and Marvellous for the eyes !


              If I come to you, friends of the bottom of the Earth, it is also to tell you part of my life on this earth. It is impossible to me to come visiting you without speaking of my most marvellous creation : "my son STEPHANE".
I created him in my belly like an art peace, and when I first saw him : it was him !
He became a guitarist well-known by he medias as an artist of thery great quality. The news gave him the place he derseves. I became a "producer" for him and make him sign contracts in the biggest music firms. But it is difficult to follow two carreers at the same time ! I must say that it took me away from my own carreer for a while. We are he and I a dynasty and if this has created for us a reputation in the show-business, the parts are inversed now.
He takes care of my carreer ! Our complicity being absolute in one case as in the other. It is beautiful to fight together. 


              I live on my small planet in a romantic place "far away from the fury and the sound", a quality of life in Nature, that I needed to live in this cruel world. Born under the sign of the CANCER, I live drived by the moon !
Mystery, symbols, simplicity but too, love of greatness, odd and originality. //






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